What a great party!!!! My mom throws a huge Christmas party every year, she's done everything from bringing in snow, rock walls, going to Amazing
Jakes (never again), having a carnival and on and on. Well this year we had a Christmas
olympics complete with an award ceremony and real metals. She planned so many events we didn't even get to them all.
Everyones favorite was definitely the obstacle course. We had a kickball tournament, sack races, three-legged races, basketball tournament, obstacle course races (even the adults did it, it was hilarious), wheelbarrel races and cheerleading.

Sierra was a climbing pro and an excellent cheerleader. She and her cousin also won the three legge race. Go Girls!
Here's Max helping John play first base, he kept jumping on and off of the base, John would have to grab him before the player came. Max was in heaven b out there with the big boys. He followed John around all day. So Cute!

Izzy's favorite race was the sack race, she loves to bounce.
The boys really liked seeing how far they could jump in the obstacle course.
All in all it was a great day!