Why in the world am I awake right now? This is so stupid of me to still be awake sense John is out of town all this week. But Sat. is my crazy a-z class which is a nightmare to prep for, so I really have no choice. I am totally going to be paying for it in the morning, me and the babies have a bunch of errands to run in the morning and then of course we have to make it to the mall in time for Dopper. (for those of you without little ones every Thurs. SSS Mall has a little kids show and the star is a prairie dog named Dopper...Izzy absolutely loves the show and riding the carosel) We have to go buy Max yet another pair of shoes. This is the second time he has lost a shoe while shopping with Daddy.
I thought I'd post a pic of my upcoming class at Mystic Paper on Feb. 8 @ 6-9pm.
We'll be making a love coupon book. I included ticket stubs at the top of each coupon to insure there was no chance of coupons being redeemed more than once. I know how men are. I show my husband the book & said hope you like it's your valentine gift, ha ha. His first response was "lame" then when he realized it was a coupon book he was very happy. Only problem is right now it's of course blank so he was very excited "right on, I know what I'm putting on all of these" He wasn't as happy when I informed him I would be filling in the blanks before he officially received it. Hope you like it.
I better sign off...I still have to finish a little note for Pierce. Check out how sweet Pierce's teacher is....AIMS testing is coming up so she is having each parent write their kid a little encouraging note that she is going to mount inside a file folder for each kid to use as a privacy screen......se is also going to write a note too. I really liked that idea. I am so grateful the wonderful teachers my kids have.
I really going to go now....Happy creating!!!