Monday, January 29, 2007

The babies are asleep yeah! I really should be doing laundry, dishes, making my bed and on and on and on ....I just frankly don't want to...I really need more sleep...I really need to exercise...I really should get ready for the day....but all I want to do is be in my art room creating..even on only 3 hours sleep.

Here is a layout I did of my niece Tiana, she's such a sweetie and soo funny. I want to start scrapping all my family more not just my kids. I think it would be special for future generations.

Well, I really should go be a grown up now and do what NEEDS to be done. Have a super day!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Wow, I am a loosy blogger. Saturday was the final A-Z class, I survived. It was an awesome group of ladies so the class went smooth and we had a fun time. I really wanted to take some pictures of the class in action but surprise surprise I forgot my camera. Seriously I've gotten dumber with every child I've had - it's a good thing I'm done.

Well, this last week I was busy creating a fabric quiet book. I'm in the young womens program at church (laurel advisor), the girls wanted to learn how to make quiet books so I volunteered to come up with an idea. I thought it would be fun and affordable to make them out of old jeans....the pockets are perfect for holding all the little pieces (especially if you've got a big bootie like mine...BIG pockets). Ok,so I thought it would be fun but it was soooo fun to make. I made it like a purse so Izzy could carry it around easy.I think I made ten or more little outfits for the doll/dress up page, which I did an iron on of Izzy's face on....I even sewed a tiny belly button on her, lol. So I tought it would be fun to post some pics of it. It was seriously so easy to make and I can't believe how much Izzy likes it....she wore it around her neck at the store yesterday.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Why in the world am I awake right now? This is so stupid of me to still be awake sense John is out of town all this week. But Sat. is my crazy a-z class which is a nightmare to prep for, so I really have no choice. I am totally going to be paying for it in the morning, me and the babies have a bunch of errands to run in the morning and then of course we have to make it to the mall in time for Dopper. (for those of you without little ones every Thurs. SSS Mall has a little kids show and the star is a prairie dog named Dopper...Izzy absolutely loves the show and riding the carosel) We have to go buy Max yet another pair of shoes. This is the second time he has lost a shoe while shopping with Daddy.
I thought I'd post a pic of my upcoming class at Mystic Paper on Feb. 8 @ 6-9pm.

We'll be making a love coupon book. I included ticket stubs at the top of each coupon to insure there was no chance of coupons being redeemed more than once. I know how men are. I show my husband the book & said hope you like it's your valentine gift, ha ha. His first response was "lame" then when he realized it was a coupon book he was very happy. Only problem is right now it's of course blank so he was very excited "right on, I know what I'm putting on all of these" He wasn't as happy when I informed him I would be filling in the blanks before he officially received it. Hope you like it.

I better sign off...I still have to finish a little note for Pierce. Check out how sweet Pierce's teacher is....AIMS testing is coming up so she is having each parent write their kid a little encouraging note that she is going to mount inside a file folder for each kid to use as a privacy is also going to write a note too. I really liked that idea. I am so grateful the wonderful teachers my kids have.

I really going to go now....Happy creating!!!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Well, Saturday was a special day around here. Gabe was baptized. He was supposed to get baptized last month but got totally sick the day before (his birthday). Believe it or not he got totally sick last week again but we went ahead with the baptism and all went well, he didn't throw-up again until Sunday night. Aside from all the aching tummies we had a wonderful weekend. In some ways I'm almost sad that my sweet little Gabe is old enough to be baptized. I still think of him as my "Baby Gaby". He was the baby for 6 years which makes him the baby of the big kids. Gabe just seems to have this innocence about him. John and I think he must have been a baby spirit when he came to earth because everything is so new and exciting to him. We figure Pierce was an old spirit because I swear that boy knows more than me and he always takes care of me even when he thinks I taking care of him he's really taking care of me. Sierra had to of been a teenage spirit, she's funny, wants to grow up way to fast and everyting is about her. They each have their own quirks that make them special. Gabe's innocence is one of those special qualities, I hope he always has a little of that in him even when he's a man. A man?!!??? Oh that makes me so sad just typing it, No matter how tall or strong or old he gets he will always be my Baby Gaby. Sons truly ar a blessing to Mothers.

Friday, January 05, 2007

2007 here we come, ready or not. Seriously NOT ready. Where did 2006 go. Holy cow I feel like I'm in fast forward. I hope everyone had a better New years than my kids. We've had the flu around here, me and Izzy are the only ones who haven't gotten it. Pierce wanted to stay up for new years more than anyone and the poor kid got hit with the bug hard about 10pm new years eve. And Daddy and I got hit with the biggest, grossest and smellest mess we have ever seen. Someday Pierce will make it to the bathroom to throw up, let's just hope it's before he gets married. Well, before everyone got sick I did get a chance to scrap some pics I've been really wanting to do, so here they are. It was a Max week. He's 6-8mo in these pics. He's changing to fast.