I did it!!!! I survived summer with 5 kids home and ridiculous heat. Ok, I'll be the first to admit this was by far my longest summer Ever!!! In my defense the insanely high tempatures make me a bit grouchy (maybe even unbearable to be with). But today my three oldest all went to school for 7.25 hours - do you hear that, that's the sound of quiet! Joy! Pierce actually started Junior High last Wed. I know what your thinking, but Jennifer your much too young to have a Junior high kid (lol), I wish. He left Wed. pretty nervous, Thurs. a little less nervous, Fri. tired but confident and Today he had fun! Sierra of course was a bundle of excitement - Sierra's definition of school is, "a location in which to socialize, giggle, play and make friends" and that is why I am making her run for office. She finally agreed once my mom said she'd buy her a new outfit, which has prompted Gabe to ask if he can have a new watch if he runs for class representative. Speaking of Gabe don't ya just love the smile!

On to subject #2 Bookin' It. I decided I definitely need to do another School Days book this coming Sept. 2 (Tue 10:30-2:30 &5-9pm) This will be my third year doing a school album and this year I am doing an apple theme. It's not done yet because I have seen online some cute apple papers that are coming soon that I might want to use. So I have decided to wait until Wed. and if they don't get here by then, then it just isn't meant to be. So keep your eyes out for the sample in the store and I'll post it as soon as I finish. I know I haven't been to good at posting this summer but it is one of my new goals, wish me luck. Hope you have a joyfully quiet day tomorrow.