Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Izzy & Tiana's Princess Party

Here is a little peek at the invitations, wands and crowns I made the girls and Max for the party. The littler crowns with letters on them were for their friends, I put the first letter of their names on the crowns and goody bags. The jewels were pink and clear but the flash seemed to make them look orange in the photos. I of course had to make the Birthday girls bigger crowns. Thanks to Amy Totty, who cut them out on her big Cricut Expression, so they could be fit for a true Birthday Princess. The big rhinestone brad on the birthday girl crowns is Anna Griffin (or is it Melissa Frances? oh, crap I can't remember), love those brads. And of course Max had to have one too. Max said he was a King not a Prince. The fuzzy feathery stuff I got at Michaels, which by the way it was floating through my house for days after. I bet the moms just loved that.

Well, that's all I have time to show today. I am officially having a crazy Mom day today. My morning started at 7am, I got to go to school with Pierce for shadow your student day, then we had to deliver birthday cupcakes to Sierra at school(she's officially 11 today), then I ran to Etc. to gather more product for my class on fri. and ribbon for Actitvity girls (my church calling, the best calling in the world!), then I took Pierce and Sierra to violin and piano, then set up for Activity girls, then Picked up P &S, then went to Activity girls and now I am home for a whole hour until I have to go pick up Pizza for Gabe's entire football team and then we get our oh so healthy pizza dinner at football practice and finally I hope to have everyone in bed in time for me to enjoy watching my one night of TV - it's Bravo night - Project Runway & Top Design.. yeah!!! But of course I must shower before watching TV because TV is so much better in your PJ's. I hope you are all surviving your crazy Mom days with joy.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Vote Wagner!!!!!

We've finished week one of the Big Campaign. Tomorrow we enter the home stretch. Speeches and voting are Thurs. and Friday will tell all. I am a bundle of nerves.......what if one wins and one loses.....what do you do. I actually think Gabe would be fine, Sierra will be devastated. I still can't believe how many kids are running. Gabe is running for Public Relations, there are three spots -luckily because there are 32 kids running for it. That's right I said 32, holy crap hah. Sierra is running for Vice Pres. there are 11 kids total running for VP. So basically their odds are the same. They have been passing out stickers, pencils, we made some buttons (which I forgot to take a pic of) and of course they were allowed four posters. Here are the pics of the posters we made. Sierra was so cute. I had bought the posters while she was at school and the moment she got home She was dying to work on them, but I had to go to work. I figured no big we'll work on them tomorrow. I got home from work after everyone was asleep and I found my kitchen table covered in painting supplies and three of her posters painted (see photo). She had done them all by herself. And me being the lame overly involved Mom paniced. I told John but you know everone is have their parents help them and what if people can't read it and she loses, and my wonderful NOT overly protective hubby said "then she loses doing it her way". So I listened to my man and I held my tongue and just said great job, way to do it all by yourself. I am really proud of the way she did it herself, she did a great job. But then Gabe wanted me to help him, so we got out the Cricut and fun paper and got to work. He picked all his papers and designs. He was the master of the Xyron & cricut. As Gabe & I are working away Sierra comes in and says she still needs to make one more poster and was thinking maybe she could use the Cricut and some of my paper. Only problem was she had managed to lose one of her poster boards (how do you lose a huge poster board, seriously?!) So she decides to use the back of one she already painted. Once she found the hot pink & black & white she was redoing all her posters. I am so glad I didn't say anything and she did it herself, (and I still got to help,lol) Speaking of losing posters, somehow Gabe lost one of his completed posters when he was putting them up at school (again, how do you lose a huge POSTER?! yahhh kids) This week is more of the same , pencils, stickers, buttons and a secret handout we are saving for Wed. I'll tell you later. Now I must sleep. And I promise to post Izzy b-day pics soon.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Homemade & Football

Well, I just realized I never posted a pic of the boy version of my homemade project. Homemade is next Friday at 12:30 - 2:30pm, it's BYOJ (bring your own jeans) everything else is included.

Today was Gabe's 3rd football game. It was at noon which equals 105 degrees. Have I mentioned how much I hate being hot?! But it was so fun to FINALLY get to go to his game. I missed the first game for a church thing I had to go to and last week I was getting all ready for Izzy's party. I love watching him, because I know he is so happy when he is playing. I never thought I would be so grateful for Football. I am definitely not a pro athletic photographer. Man it's hard to figure out whose who and then to actually take the pics fast enough to catch the action. Gabe made an awesome tackle right in front of me, it was one of those total take down type tackles, well I was so excited and so flustered I didn't zoom out quick enough or even aim, so I totally missed it. It would have been such a great photo, dang it! Well, I better clean this artroom so I can do some serious creating. Hope to see you at Homemade.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tool Love

Oh me, Oh my, I have been so busy!!!! I never would have survived this crazy creative week without these four great tools! I was never one for buying pricey tools, I use to just get by with whatever I had,ie: glue stick, trimmer & scissors, I thought glue dots were slurging. I am now and forever a firm believer in the right tool gets the job done better and done easier! I would have pulled my hair out today if I would have had to glue all the letters on Gabe & Sierra's posters, but lucky me I have a Xyron. A year ago, I am embarrassed to admit, I didn't even know what it was and now I can't live without it. And then there is the big ATG gun I was so afraid of and too cheap to buy for so long, life saver. The other tool that I could NOT have created without this week was my Cricut. My sweet hubby bought it for me last Christmas, and my first thought was "that was really expensive, I can't believe he bought me that". And anyone who has spoken to me lately knows I am obsessed with the new Cricut cartridge- Storybook.....I Love Love Love it! I did everything for Izzy & Tiana's b-day party with it. I'll post pics from the girls party later and all of Gabe & Sierra's campaign stuff. And then I'll get back to other creative stuff that have been sitting on the back burner forever.